Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My First Blog Post!

Hey everyone :) I wasn't sure about starting this blog because I am honestly afraid of failing, and all this being a big waste of time like it has been in the past. But I figured what the heck, I'll give it a shot and God willing get to where I need to be. I'll use this blog to share my weight loss progress and pictures from time to time. I'll try and keep up with it as much as I can considering I stay very busy! I hope that one day I will be able to use this blog to inspire others. I know it is going to be hard sometimes, because after 2-3 weeks of taking care of my diet temptation will want to take over and put failure in my path. But I have a new outlook and I will not let that happen. I have never used God as my main guide in weight loss but I will now. He is who will take me through this journey of becoming the healthy and happy Jackie he wants me to be. He created all of us in his image, and he is perfect. I won't continue to mess up his perfect image, I can do this and I will. God has blessed me in so many ways, more than I can keep track of. The only thing that keeps me from being 100% happy is the way I look. I see myself in the mirror and I say "Oh I look good in this, I am not THAT fat" But I know deep inside that is not true...by the way I hate the word FAT. Its such an ugly word, but true. I'M F-A-T! My body is slowly deforming, my face has no definition, my legs, my arms, my hanging belly and boobs!! I could go on and on. I am not trying to put myself down, I am pushing myself up. I am a very positive person full of dreams. Funny thing is in my dreams I am always "skinny". There is no reason why I shouldn't be able to do this. I am young, in good health, have a supportive husband, three beautiful sons, and a loving family that although doesn't say anything to me, knows I need to lose weight for my health. My dose of reality: Looking in the mirror and realizing I am not the woman that I see, now I will become who God wants me to be, a thinner, happier and healthier ME!

Starting weight: 272.8
Date: 8.9.10
Goal weight:199
Goal Date: 12.24.10


  1. You can do it....speaking from someone(that u might not believe) has struggled with weightloss since age 14. God is the key! When u have a tuff day...don't give up...just restart the next. This is a journey not a race. You can count on my support as your aunt but also as someone that understands.
    1 Corinthians 6:19... beautiful verse.

  2. Wow thank you so much Tia! And that verse is very beautiful, eye opener really! Thank you for your support, it's good to know you understand me!! <3

  3. Would Yin watch the kids if I paid for Zumba classes or something like that?????

  4. I dont think I could handle Zumba just yet mami maybe when i am down to 220 LOLOL

  5. Saw you yesterday...keep up the good work!!!!
